
  • Developmental Testing Program For Radiography
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 01:57

    Twenty-one (21) students will be admitted to the 2018 Radiography Class. In 2017, there were approximately 80 qualified applicants to be considered.

    1. Ndt Radiography Testing

    Criteria used in the selection of students includes: (1) interviews, (2) HESI entrance test results, (3) student essay, (4) overall G.P.A. Applicants are encouraged to research the RT (Radiologic Technologists) profession. Testing will begin by the end of February and interviews will take place in March. Applicants are notified in writing of the action taken by the Radiography Admissions Committee in May.

    Meeting the admission criteria does not guarantee program admission. What are the minimum requirements of the program? A high school diploma or equivalent is required. You must have a cumulative college GPA of 2.5 or above at the end of the 2017 Fall semester.

    GED holders will be considered for admission if they completed all pre-requisite requirements ('C' or better) and if they have generated a college GPA based on over 12 credits, it must be ≥ 2.5. If your GPA is not above a 2.5, you are encouraged to seek advising from Miss Woody (advisor) about how this will impact your eligibility and how to improve your GPA. The following high school prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of 'C' or higher in each course: Algebra I, Algebra II, and one (1) lab science (Biology, Physics, or Chemistry from HS or college). Biology is preferred. The college 'VPT' math placement testing is utilized to determine what developmental math units (MTE 1-9) must be completed to satisfy math requirements, if lacking Algebra I and/or II.

    Ndt Radiography Testing

    Prerequisites do not have to be complete prior to early application, but they must be complete by the end of spring 2018 to be eligible for the fall 2018 program. Applicants must also complete the college level prerequisite of BIO 141 (Human Anatomy and Physiology I) by the end of spring 2018 with a 'C' or better. It must be within five years prior. A recent high school biology or BIO 101 is a required prerequisite for Anatomy/Physiology courses at VWCC. Current HS seniors will be considered if they have a high school GPA ≥ 2.5 and are able to enroll/complete the required college prerequisite BIO 141 by the end of spring of 2018 (certain high schools may offer as Dual Enrollment credit). High school Anatomy/Physiology courses will not meet this requirement. Is there a waiting list?

    Developmental Testing Program For Radiography

    Are there classes I can take before entering the program? There is not a waiting list. All applicants who meet the deadline and are minimally qualified will be considered for the program. The Radiography program is intensive, so some applicants elect to complete general support classes such as Medical Terminology (HLT 143) while they are being considered (grades must be a 'C' or better). It should be understood that these general education or support courses are not the same as required prerequisites (addressed in a previous question). You may view a listing of curriculum requirements in the. Interested students are encouraged to work with the pre-radiography advisor to see if taking support classes is feasible based on their individual circumstances (taking in consideration whether they are students part-time, full-time, financial circumstances, holding a job, etc.) keeping in mind this is a restricted program and only 21 students are accepted once a year.

    Can the program be taken at night or on a part-time basis? The core RAD courses must be taken in sequence as outlined in the college catalog (including a summer semester). The core program coursework is only offered during the day. The Radiography lectures are conducted on a M/W/F schedule in first year and Tu/Th in the second year. The program requires extensive clinical and lab time in addition to the lecture.

    Clinical assignments are usually 2 days a week (Tu/Th) in the 1st year and 3 days a week (M/W/F) in 2nd year. Clinical experiences are primarily full days, but applicants should anticipate a limited number of evening or a weekend clinical during the program. Who is the advisor for the radiography program? When and how do I contact them? Pam Woody is the Health Careers Specialist who provides advising about applying and preparing for the Radiography curriculum. She is available to advise you after your academic application file is complete (transcripts have been received), at which time she will mail you an 'Advising Letter'. The advising form letter will give you important details about your prerequisites, career support classes, transfer of credit, and how you may contact her.

    If you would like to view the presentation to learn more about the application process and eligibility you can (PDF). Program policies and procedures are discussed in detail by the Program Director during the interview phase.

    What process do I follow if I want to apply for a future year? If you are interested in taking classes to prepare for future entry into the program, but you are unsure when you will be eligible, please submit the current Radiography application form with the appropriate transcripts. This will allow us to help you plan and suggest proper courses to begin your studies. By submitting now you may benefit from advising by the Health Careers Information Specialist, who will be able to discuss your transcript(s), placement testing, prerequisites, support classes, etc. And complete any needed transfer evaluations for you (if applicable).

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